Japan’s Digital Infrastructure Shines in the Global Spotlight
Japan is one of the countries we can’t miss out on for this year's Japan Cloud & Datacenter Convention (JPCDC), as it plays a vital role in the cloud & datacenter industry.
With advanced technology and abundant resources, led by Tokyo's market maturity, Japan anticipates substantial growth in both demand and supply. Its industry players are expected to expand in various locations across Japan, such as Osaka, Hokkaido, Kyoto, Kobe, Yokohama, and many more.
Join our leading datacenter and cloud computing professionals as we delve deep into the most insightful tech discussions of 2024!
Japan’s data center market is extremely active. Many companies are planning to expand data center services in Japan. In this session, you can understand this situation and overview of Japan Data Center Council (JDCC).
日本のデータセンター市場:飛躍的成長とJDCCの役割 近年、日本のデータセンター市場は著しい成長を遂げており、多くの企業が日本でのデータセンターサービス提供を検討しています。本講演では、この活発な市場動向を解説するとともに、日本のデータセンター産業の発展を支える日本データセンター協会(JDCC)について紹介します。
The Japanese data center market is attracting a high level of interest from both domestic and international real estate investors. Data centers vary in terms of location, building design, and facility specifications, depending on their intended use. From an investor’s perspective, there are numerous factors to consider when making an investment decision into the asset class. These factors include the time required for development, the size of the facility, the infrastructure in place, and the expected tenants. In recent times, new issues have emerged, such as rising construction costs and the growing time needed to secure power. This session will examine past changes in data center locations and specifications, while also providing an overview of how to address current challenges and gain insight into the future of data centers.
In the previous keynote, we review the outlook on demand for digital infrastructure in Japan. In this panel, we take a step forward and look at how as an industry we can advance in the design, build and operations of the digital infrastructure to achieve better sustainability and resiliency, with a focal point on data centers. Join us as we explore the intersection of sustainability and resilience in Japan’s evolving digital infrastructure landscape, aiming to set new standards for environmental responsibility in data center operations.
パネルディスカッション:日本の持続可能性と耐久性向上におけるデジタルインフラの需要と進歩の影響 本セッションでは、業界全体としてデジタルインフラストラクチャーの設計、構築、運用をどのように進化させ、持続可能性と耐久性を向上させていくかを深く掘り下げます。データセンターを軸に、日本の進化するデジタルインフラストラクチャーの状況を考察し、持続可能性と耐久性の両立という課題に迫ります。最終的には、データセンター運用における環境責任の新たな基準を構築することを目指します。
As the demand for data processing continues to soar, data centers face unprecedented challenges in managing power consumption and ensuring sustainability. In this presentation, Huawei delves into innovative power solutions designed to maximize energy efficiency and reduce environmental impact in data center operations. From advanced cooling technologies to intelligent power management systems, Huawei showcases a range of solutions tailored to optimize power usage effectiveness (PUE) and minimize operational costs. Through case studies and industry insights, attendees will gain practical strategies for enhancing sustainability while maintaining high performance and reliability in their data center infrastructure. Join us to explore the latest advancements in power efficiency and unlock the potential for greener, more sustainable data center operations.
Due to the recent rapid development of AI, data centers are being forced to respond to unprecedented levels of higher density and changes in cooling methods. However, it is extremely difficult to rebuild the entire data center in order to install power supply, cooling systems, etc. that cannot be supported by the existing data center infrastructure. At Schneider Electric, we develop and provide solutions using a variety of approaches to address these issues. Among these, container/skid solutions offer new options for data centers. Please take this opportunity to check out the various ways Schneider Electric can solve problems through solutions that we provide all-in-one, from consulting and design to implementation and operation.
近年、AIの急速な普及により、データセンターにはかつてない高密度化と冷却への対応が求められています。しかし、従来のデータセンターインフラでは、電源供給や冷却システムの刷新が困難な場合が多く、データセンター全体の作り替えが必要となるケースも少なくありません。 シュナイダーエレクトリックは、このような課題に対して、コンサルティングから設計・構築・運用に至るまで一括で提供するソリューション「コンテナ/スキッドソリューション」をご提案しています。 本プレゼンテーションでは、コンテナ/スキッドソリューションが従来のデータセンターインフラと比べてどのような利点を提供できるか、具体的な事例を交えて説明します。
As AI technologies advance, they typically require more computational power and, consequently, more energy. Innovations focused on making AI algorithms and the hardware they run on more energy-efficient are vital. This session will discuss how data center experts can fulfill the impossible dream of building a sustainable project that converge the advancements in artificial intelligence.
AI技術の進歩に伴い、より多くのエネルギーと優れた演算能力が求められています。課題は、より効率的なハードウェアとAIアルゴリズムの開発にあります。 本セッションでは、データセンター業界の専門家たちが、AIの発展を支える持続可能なプロジェクトをどのような形で実現していくのかについて議論します。
With the proliferation of AI and Robotics, data center operations can no longer afford to be oblivious but move ahead from conventional practices. With 20+ years of data center controls system experience, Chang, CEO of Onion Technology, will share with us his ideas on how to prepare and adopt AI and Robotics deployment in data centers to increase operational efficiency.
AI技術とロボットを活用したデータセンター運用効率の向上 AIとロボットの普及がデータセンター運用を複雑化し、従来のやり方では対応が困難となる可能性が高まっています。そこで、20年以上のデータセンター制御システム経験を持った「Onion Technology」のCEOであるチャンさんをお迎えし、データセンターにおけるAIとロボット導入の準備、導入、運用効率向上のためのアイデアについて共有いただきます。
Our digital world is constantly evolving with interconnected and ever-advancing technologies. As artificial intelligence becomes integrated into daily life, there will be a corresponding surge in high-performance computing, demanding even greater workload density. In this context, what’s the opportunity for Japan and what can businesses look out for in a data centre partner?
Physical security in a data center is a foundational aspect of overall security strategy, essential for protecting the data center’s assets, ensuring regulatory compliance, and maintaining the trust of customers and business partners. During this session, You will understand the critical role of physical security in data center protection and the potential threats faced by data centers and witness firsthand how our solutions can enhance the security of your data centers, mitigate risks, and safeguard your valuable assets.
OPPO, one of the leading mobile device and cloud service providers in China, offers secure storage for photos, videos, contacts, notes, and other important data, accessible from any device. Join us as Oppo gives an insight into their innovation of immersion cooling. Discover how this cutting-edge technology is revolutionizing data center efficiency, reducing energy consumption, and enhancing environmental sustainability. Get ready to dive into a cooler, greener, and more efficient data center future.
ケーススタディ:Oppo Cloudがイマージョン冷却で実現した低PUE 中国の主要なモバイルデバイスおよびクラウドサービスプロバイダーであるOppoは、写真、動画、連絡先、メモ、その他の重要なデータを安全に保存し、どのデバイスからでもアクセス可能なストレージを提供しています。 本セッションでは、Oppoがイマージョン冷却技術を導入し、データセンターの電力使用効率(PUE)を劇的に改善した事例を紹介します。
This presentation explores the cutting-edge developments in communications cloud technology, emphasizing Japanese innovations that are set to redefine cloud services globally. It could also delve into Japanese market situation and use cases where enterprises are driving cloud communication focusing on scalability, security, and sustainability within the rapidly evolving digital landscape.
日本における企業向けクラウドコンピューティングのトレンドとリアルタイム通信におけるデータセンターの重要性 急速に進化するデジタル環境において、企業のクラウドコミュニケーション戦略は、スケーラビリティ、セキュリティ、持続可能性を重視する必要があります。本プレゼンテーションでは、コミュニケーションクラウド技術の最新動向に焦点を当て、日本のイノベーションを深堀りすることで、グローバルなクラウドサービスの再定義を目指します。具体的には、日本におけるクラウドコミュニケーション戦略の現状やユースケースを詳細に説明し、企業が成功するための鍵となるソリューションをご紹介します。
The future of internet connectivity looks increasingly dynamic and transformative, driven by several technological advancements and increasing demands for more robust, high-speed internet access globally.
日本におけるインターネットの接続性の未来 インターネット接続の未来は、技術革新と世界的な堅牢で高速なインターネットアクセスへの需要の高まりによって、ますますダイナミックで変革的に変化しています。
1. Reviewing the State of AI and Cloud Computing in Japan
2. Discussing the perceived vs. actual advancements in AI and cloud computing, sharing real-world experiences and challenges
3. Creating a Roadmap for Future Success
パネルディスカッション:AIとクラウド・コンピューティング – 日本にとって得か損か?
Data centre developments across the APAC region have grown exponentially over the past five years, with tracked live supply across the region rising at a CAGR of 19.1% from 2018 to 2023. Growth has been witnessed across both developed hubs – such as Japan – as well as in emerging hotspots such as Southeast Asia. What does the landscape of these markets look like today? This session aims to take a look at the present day overview of these markets as well as what lies ahead for them, with a particular focus on Japan.
This session brings together industry leaders, policy makers, and technology innovators to discuss the emerging trends, challenges, and opportunities that will shape the future of Japan’s cloud and data center sector. Focusing on sustainability, technological advancements, and Japan’s role in the global digital economy, this debate would aim to set a collaborative roadmap towards achieving a resilient, innovative, and globally competitive cloud and data center ecosystem by 2030.
Join us! We introduce OC1, the Osaka Connectivity Data Center 1 will be planned to launch in Osaka in January 2026, and our future network expansion plans.
We envision OC1 as a hub where businesses connect, creating amazing value. We’ll share examples of successful collaborations between our customers. Let’s make the future together!
テクトック:OC1 – ビジネスコラボの新しいステップ 2026年1月、大阪コネクティビティ・データセンター 1 (OC1)で私たちの将来のネットワーク拡張プランを発表致しますのでぜひともご参加ください。 私たちはOC1をビジネスの繋がる場として用いて素晴らしい価値を創り出します。その場で顧客様同士の成功事例をご紹介致します。一緒に未来を創っていきましょう!
Concerns about the environmental impact of data centers are growing as demand increases.
This presentation will introduce the Sunbird solution, a modern DCIM software that solves the problems faced by many enterprises.
テックトック:最新のインフラ管理ソフトウェアによる持続可能な運用 データセンターの需要が増加するにつれて、環境への影響に対する懸念も高まっています。 このプレゼンテーションでは、多くの企業が直面する問題を解決する最新のDCIMソフトウェア、Sunbirdソリューションを紹介します。
The explosion of computing power due to the rapid acceleration of digital technologies such as AI is driving the rapid expansion of the data center market.
On the other hand, we need to promote the development of carbon-neutral, eco-friendly and green data centers, aiming for a sustainable society.
In order to solve these issues, we will introduce the solutions that we can propose from the viewpoint of the data center facility.
Tech Talk:高発熱・高密度データセンターに求められるデータセンター設備製品の紹介
AI等のデジタル技術の急激な加速による、コンピューティング・パワーの爆発はデータセンター 市場の急速な拡大を促している一方で、私たちは持続可能な社会を目指し、カーボンニュートラルなエコでグリーンなデータセンター の開発を推し進めていく必要があります。
What do I need to bring for registration for the Japan Cloud & Datacenter Convention 2024?
Please bring the registration confirmation email with QR code sent to your email to the registration area in order to get a badge printed to enter the event.
Where can I find my QR code for registration?
Upon successful completion of registration through the W.Media website, your QR code will be sent to your email address.
What should I do if I did not receive my confirmation email and QR code?
Please wait up to 48 hours upon registration for the confirmation email to be sent and do check your spam folder. If you still cannot find it, please contact us via our WhatsApp here or [email protected].
登録後、確認メールが送信されるまで48時間以内に、迷惑メールフォルダを確認してください。それでも見つからない場合は、こちらのWhatsAppまたは[email protected]、ご連絡ください。
Can I bring my colleague along? Does he/she need to register?
Cloud and Datacenter professionals and media partners are welcome to attend. All attendees must register on the W.Media event page.
Can I register onsite for the Japan Cloud & Datacenter Convention 2024?
It is recommended to register online at the W.Media event page website to prevent any delays on event day.
Can I register for more than one W.Media event?
Participation in multiple events is welcome to attendees. W.Media hosts over 25 global events across APAC, ANZ, and beyond. In many cases global companies will travel overseas to attend multiple events.
For discounts to attend multiple events, please refer to the W.Media Membership page.
I am interested to sponsor, where can I find more information?
To find more information on sponsorship opportunities, including on-site branding, exhibitor booths, speaking slot, digital branding, lead generation, and more, please click here or fill out the inquiry form here.
Where can I find the most up to date information on events?
The W.Media event pages for each of our events will have the most up to date information including the timings, location, agenda, speaker and sponsor list, and more.
Is there a complimentary parking ticket or discounted hotel rates?
Complimentary parking tickets and discounted hotel rates will be provided to registered W.Media members at the Gold and Platinum levels.
To view details on W.Media membership, visit w.media/membership.
Will there be food and beverages available at the event?
Complimentary breakfast, coffee and tea, lunch, and evening networking drinks will be provided for attendees on a first come, first served basis.
Will there be a live stream of the event available for those who are unable to attend in person?
There will not be a live stream of the event, however there will be coverage of the event, including photographs and interviews as well as articles regarding the event, will be published by W.Media and other media partners. This content will be posted to the W.Media LinkedIn page, the W.Media Newsletter and to the W.Media website and Video on Demand page.
If you are interested in becoming a media partner, please contact us at [email protected]
イベントのライブ配信はございませんが、イベントに関する写真、インタビュー、記事などのイベントの報道があります。W.Mediaおよび他のメディアパートナーによって公開されます。このコンテンツは、W.Media LinkedInページ、W.Mediaニュースレター、W.Mediaウェブサイトおよびビデオオンデマンドページに掲載される予定です。
メディアパートナーになることにご興味のある方は、下記までご連絡ください [email protected]
What is the W.Media Membership Program?
The W.Media membership program is a platform that provides perks for members including discounted passes to events/hotels/parking, access to exclusive content, market insight, lead generation, and more.
Our Silver membership is free for all cloud and datacenter professionals. To register, click here.