As Korea continues to emerge as a leader in the cloud and datacenter landscape, the Korea Datacenter and Cloud Convention 2025 will serve as a pivotal platform for industry leaders and innovators. With rapid advancements in technology and a strong emphasis on sustainability, Korea’s datacenter sector is poised for significant growth.
This event will explore the latest trends in data center development across the country, highlighting the integration of eco-friendly technologies, AI, and automation. Attendees will gain insights into strategic investments and the collaborative efforts driving Korea's digital transformation.
Join us as we bring together experts, thought leaders, and key stakeholders to discuss the challenges and opportunities within the evolving landscape of cloud computing and data infrastructure. Together, we will shape the future of Korea's digital ecosystem, focusing on resilience, innovation, and sustainable growth. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect, learn, and lead in the dynamic world of datacenters and cloud technology!
Korea’s position as a digital powerhouse, particularly in Seoul, Busan, and Incheon’s smart cities, is driving unprecedented advancement in cloud computing and data center infrastructure. This session explores Korea’s unique ecosystem that combines world-leading digital infrastructure, technological innovation, and policy frameworks to position the nation as Asia’s premier digital economy hub.
As Korean enterprises expand globally while international businesses seek access to Northeast Asian markets, Korea’s role as a digital bridge becomes crucial. This panel examines strategies for handling cross-border data flows, regulatory compliance, and technical infrastructure needs for seamless integration between Korean, Chinese, Japanese, and global cloud services.
Korea’s pioneering role in AI chip development and computing infrastructure is reshaping data center designs. This session explores how facilities are evolving to support intensive AI workloads, from specialized cooling solutions to high-density power requirements, while maintaining Korea’s high standards for efficiency and reliability.
Korea’s commitment to carbon neutrality is driving innovation in data center sustainability. This panel explores how Korean battery technology, renewable energy solutions, and advanced cooling systems are creating new standards for green data centers, featuring insights from industry leaders and environmental experts.
As the demand for data centers escalates amid the AI boom, optimizing energy efficiency becomes crucial. South Korea, positioning itself as a key player in the Asia Pacific data center market, has seen significant growth, with major tech companies like Kakao expanding infrastructure to meet burgeoning computing needs. Kakao’s recent completion of its Ansan Data Center underscores the nation’s commitment to advanced, sustainable data management solutions. Currently the sixth largest market in the region, Korea is poised to surpass Singapore in operational capacity, with projections indicating potential growth to 1,485 MW. This keynote explores strategies for enhancing energy efficiency in data centers, addressing the imperative for sustainable power solutions to support the future of AI-driven computing.
1. AI Supercloud Landscape – Opportunities and Challenges
2. Building Blocks for an AI-Ready Data Center
3. Designing for Scalability and Performance in Data Center
4. Data center’s location, connectivity and cybersecurity
Korea’s leadership in telecommunications requires advanced edge computing capabilities. This session examines strategies for deploying and managing edge data centers to support 5G/6G networks, IoT applications, and emerging technologies across urban and rural areas.
As technology evolves rapidly, this panel explores strategies for developing and retaining IT talent in Korea’s competitive market. Industry leaders discuss approaches to upskilling teams in AI, cloud computing, and emerging technologies while fostering innovation and leadership.
With Korea’s manufacturing sector rapidly digitalizing, this session examines how cloud and data center infrastructure must evolve to support smart factories, industrial IoT, and automated production systems. Learn about edge computing requirements, real-time processing needs, and integration strategies for Korea’s advanced manufacturing ecosystem.
As Korea’s data center market experiences rapid growth, this session examines investment opportunities, construction strategies, and operational optimization approaches. Learn how operators are balancing cost pressures with premium services while maintaining profitability in a competitive market.
This closing panel will discuss the growing trend of multi-cloud strategies among organization. Experts will share insights on the challenges and benefits of integrating multiple cloud services, the importance of interoperability and how to foster collaboration between different providers for optimal performance and innovation
What do I need to bring for registration on event day?
행사 당일 따로 챙겨갈 것들이 있나요?
Please bring the registration confirmation email with QR code sent to your email to the registration area in order to get a badge printed to enter the event.
저희가 행사날 전에 보내드렸던 이메일 속 QR코드를 확인할 수 있는 핸드폰만 챙겨오시면 즉석에서 명찰을 프린트해 드릴 예정입니다.
Where can I find my QR code for registration?
입장 확인을 위한 QR코드는 언제 받아볼 수 있나요?
Upon successful completion of registration through the W.Media website, your QR code will be sent to your email address.
참가 신청이 완료되었을때 W.Media 계정을 통해 QR코드를 포함한 이메일이 참가 등록 때 사용해주신 이메일 주소로 전송될 예정입니다.
What should I do if I did not receive my confirmation email and QR code?
확정 이메일과 QR코드를 받지 못했다면 어떻게 해야 하나요?
Please wait up to 48 hours upon registration for the confirmation email to be sent and do check your spam folder. If you still cannot find it, please contact us via our WhatsApp here or [email protected].
등록 후 최대 48시간까지도 확인 이메일을 받지 못하셨다면 스팸함으로 메일이 전송된건 아닌지 확인해보시고 아래 WhatsApp 또는 [email protected]를 통해 문의 주시길 바랍니다.
Can I bring my colleague along? Does he/she need to register?
이번 행사에 직장동료를 데려오고 싶다면 미리 등록을 해야 하나요?
Cloud and Datacenter professionals and media partners are welcome to attend. All attendees must register on the W.Media event page.
클라우드 및 데이터센터와 관련된 모든 전문가들과 미디어 파트너분들은 언제든지 참석하실 수 있습니다. 하지만 모든 참석자분들은 W.Media 이벤트 페이지를 통해 사전등록을 해주셔야 합니다.
Can I register onsite?
현장에서 당일 등록도 가능할까요?
It is recommended to register online at the W.Media event page website to prevent any delays on event day.
행사 당일 입장 지연을 방지하기 위해 W.Media 행사 홈페이지에서 사전 온라인 등록을 하시는 것을 추천 드리고 있습니다.
Can I register for more than one W.Media event?
한개 이상의 다양한 W.Media 행사에 입장권을 구매 할 수 있나요?
Participation in multiple events is welcome to attendees. W.Media hosts over 25 global events across APAC, ANZ, and beyond. In many cases global companies will travel overseas to attend multiple events.
한개 이상의 W.Media 행사에 참여해주시는건 그 만큼 더 많은 데이터센터 및 클라우드 전문가들을 만나볼 수 있는 절호의 기회입니다. 여러 APAC과 ANZ외 여러 나라들에서 진행되는 25개의 행사에 참가하는 다양한 글로벌 회사들을 만나보실 수 있습니다.
I am interested to sponsor, where can I find more information?
행사 후원에 관심이 있다면, 어디서 후원에 대한 정보들을 찾아볼 수 있나요?
To find more information on sponsorship opportunities, including on-site branding, exhibitor booths, speaking slot, digital branding, lead generation, and more, please click here or fill out the inquiry form here.
다양한 후원 방법들 중 예시를 들자면: 온사이트 마케팅, 전시부스, 연사 혹은 패널 참여, 디지털 브랜딩, 리드 제너레이션 등 다양한 후원 방법들에 대해 더 자세히 알고 싶다면 담당자(Whatsapp)에게 직접 문의를 하시거나 본 링크 (inquiry)를 통해 연락처를 남겨 주시기를 바랍니다.
Where can I find the most up to date information on events?
모든 행사들에 대한 최신 정보들은 어디서 찾아볼 수 있나요?
The W.Media event pages for each of our events will have the most up to date information including the timings, location, agenda, speaker and sponsor list, and more.
모든 행사들에 대한 업데이트들은 각 행사 웹페이지에서 찾아보실 수 있습니다. 아래 링크( all event page)를 통해 각국에 진행되는 행사에 대한 시간, 장소, 연사 및 토론주제 혹은 참가하는 회사들에 대한 정보들을 확인하실 수 있습니다.
Will there be food and beverages available at the event?
행사 당일 음식과 음료도 제공을 하나요?
Complimentary breakfast, coffee and tea, lunch, and evening networking drinks will be provided for attendees on a first come, first served basis.
참석자분들 위한 무료 아침, 커피와 차, 점심 및 네트워킹 드링크를 선착순으로 제공됩니다.
Will there be a live stream of the event available for those who are unable to attend in person?
직접 참석할 수 없는 분들을 위해 이벤트를 라이브로 스트리밍 해주실 수 있나요?
There will not be a live stream of the event, however there will be coverage of the event, including photographs and interviews as well as articles regarding the event, will be published by W.Media and other media partners. This content will be posted to the W.Media LinkedIn page, the W.Media Newsletter and to the W.Media website and Video on Demand page.
If you are interested in becoming a media partner, please contact us at [email protected]
컨벤션 전체를 녹화한 영상은 없지만 사진, 인터뷰 혹은 이벤트와 관련된 기사들을 포함한 모든 컨텐츠는 W.Media 링크드인 혹은 각 컨벤션들의 미디어 파트너를 통해 공개될 예정입니다. W.Media 링크드인 페이지 외에도 W.Media 뉴스레터, W.Media 공식 홈페이지 속 On-Demand를 통해 다양한 영상과 컨텐츠들을 찾아보실 수 있습니다.
저희 W.Media와 미디어 파트너 혹은 디지털 마케팅에 관심 혹은 궁금한 점들이 있다면 언제든지 [email protected]로 메일 바랍니다.
I purchased a ticket but can’t attend. Will I get a refund?
티켓을 구매했는데 참석이 어려울 것 같습니다. 환불을 받을 수 있을까요?
Unfortunately, we have a no refund policy. However, you may transfer your ticket to a colleague. To initiate the transfer, please contact us at [email protected].
유감스럽게도 따로 환불정책이 없습니다. 하지만 티켓 양도는 가능합니다. 티켓 양도를 원하신다면 [email protected]로 연락하십시오.